@Caroline_Maxis : thank you and #maxislistens : Thank you for listening: I grade this twitter service as A1 service!

. Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Dear All, Thank you so much @Caroline_Maxis too for helping me to clear the nonsensical supplementary line

which my wife NEVER applied!

My past years with maxis has been really disappointing!
Been loyal to them paid like on time and trust me the amount is not small. Back then i have been paying average of rm 300 over a few months and been with them like 5 years.
No returns and the bill and the services was like hell!

Well i do hope that they can do much better! which is not currently
Come on maxis do something!

Oh well mean while i will be porting over to the yellow river! Coverage area sucks but services AMAZING! any way in five year time their coverage would be superb with celcom network! Aha....

So Maxis paham paham la! Do something so i will love you back! haha
I dont hate you but i do hope you will change for the better! all DA best!



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